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6 things galz think boyz shudnt know

1. We're not always beautiful
Goddesses Goddess? Absolutely. Always beautiful? Not so much. It takes work to look stunning all the time. While every woman is different in terms of what they spend on regular basis (hair, nails, makeup, waxing, sometimes all of the above) the truth is, it is worth it to us to break the bank just to get that compliment from you about how amazing we look. We just don't want you know what we go through to look that way. Waxing, no matter the body part, is never a pretty thing and pedicures, fun as they are, can sometimes find us spending more time in the chair due to required extra attention from the pumice stone. Basically, we'll do whatever is necessary to keep the illusion with you that we're always ready for our close-up.
2. Our houses aren't always clean
While conventional wisdom says girls are often neater than boys, once in a while, our housekeeping duties do slide. Chalk it up to work, social obligations, spending five nights a week at your place, or occasional laziness - there are times our homes don't always sparkle. If we know you are coming over and our house is mess, we will turn ourselves inside out to make the place shine before you get there. We don't want you to know that sometimes our trash may pile up, our mirrors are a bit on the streaky side or we haven't vacuumed in a month. We will always present ourselves to you as someone with a perpetually spotless home. Just don't look under the bed.
3. We don't want you to know about that "thing" we do
Whatever that quirky little habit or routine of ours may be, we're embarrassed for you to find out about it. It might be the trashy tabloids we're addicted to, or our tendency to sing in the shower or not being able to let our food touch on the plate. As time goes by, these little quirks will come out; we just hope they'll only add to our mystique in your eyes. Probably not though.
4. We like sex as much as you do
We don't want to scare you off, so initially, we'll let you make all the moves. The truth is we like it a lot. So don't fret if you're the one always initiating - in time, we'll be jumping your bones.
5. We don't want you to know we snoop
Newsflash - women want to know everything. In the beginning, if you leave us alone at your place or even while you're in the shower, we're going to snoop through your stuff. We'll thumb through your mail, poke through your drawers, maybe even rifle through your medicine cabinet. Depending on what we find, we'll never let on we conducted an impromptu surveillance.
6. We get jealous
Women can be possessive when it comes to our man. Not that we'll tell you, though. We're bothered by your cute co-coworker, the waitress who paid extra attention to you while we were at dinner, the ex-girlfriend who called you while on layover. It's not that we don't trust you - we don't trust them!


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